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Motor termic? Priviti momentul/cuplul! Puterea e irelevanta!

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Motor termic? Priviti momentul/cuplul! Puterea e irelevanta!

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Joi Feb 16, 2017 11:43 am

Caracteristicile dinamice ale unui motor termic sunt date doar de curba de moment (cuplu).


Puterea este irelevanta pentru ca la valoarea ei maxima, prin formula





PS=Nm*RPM/7023, etc.

ofera doar o valoare de moment (cuplu) la o turatie ridicata si irelevanta, din cauza ca, la turatia puterii maxime, forta de tractiune este mai mica decat forta de tractiune la turatia momentului maxim.

Astfel, conform Principiului al doilea al mecanicii (Isaac Newton)


F - forta de tractiune
m - masa autovehiculului
a - acceleratia (nu accelerarea !)

rezulta ca si acceleratia este mai mica la turatia puterii maxime in comparatie cu acceleratia de la turatia cuplului maxim.

Exemplu 1: compararea fortelor si acceleratiilor unui motor (turbo-diesel in acest caz).

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Se poate observa ca in treapta intai de viteza, forta este mai mare (decat forta maxima din treapta 2) chiar si peste turatia puterii maxime. Deci, pentru maximizarea performantelor de accelerare, trebuie sa NU schimbam treapta de viteza la turatia puterii maxime(4000 rpm), ci sa folosim plaja de turatie pana la capat. Liniile de culoare aurie trebuie sa fie ~ orizontale pentru performante maxime. Tinand cont de acest lucru se pot interpreta si celelalte curbe de forta si acceleratie in treptele 2,3 si 4.

Exemplu 2: compararea puterilor (a doua motoare aspirate pe benzina)

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"Puterea este o oglindire denaturata a fortei si acceleratiei in privinta motoarelor termice." Marius Pantea feb.2017


Transmisia si anvelopele au un rol foarte important si pot fi decisive atunci cand comparam doua motoare cu momente apropiate.

Exemplu 3: compararea momentelor (a doua motoare aspirate pe benzina)

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Graficele au fost realizate cu calculatorul si comparatorul de transmisie auto marius-ciclistu

Vedeti si Cal putere vs Cal FORTA.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

Cum sa schimbi vitezele pentru a obtine performante maxime

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Joi Feb 16, 2017 10:45 pm

Cum sa schimbi vitezele pentru a obtine performante maxime


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Pentru performante maxime, turatia de schimb a treptelor de viteza este dictata de curba de cuplu si de rapoartele de transmitere, NU de turatia puterii maxime!
Graficul este pentru un Ford Focus 1.6 TD 2008 cu graficul de cuplu dat de producator ca si valori de intrare.

107 Cp / 4000 RPM,

240 Nm/ 1750 RPM,

1316 kg.

Calculatorul poate fi folosit aici:

Concluzia este aceeasi pentru orice motor pe benzina sau motorina.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

Re: Motor termic? Priviti momentul/cuplul! Puterea e ireleva

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Lun Ian 20, 2020 12:39 am

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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

Power should be renamed to Energy Rate

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Dum Apr 09, 2023 1:13 pm

Puterea, in fizica, ar trebui redenumita in Rata energiei.

Power, in physics, should be renamed to Energy Rate.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

The meaning of the word power in the 1770s

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Joi Oct 05, 2023 9:18 am

So it turns out that in the 1770s the power word was used as "ability to act" or "ability to do" or "potential".

Also Watt is supposed to had defined the power as force * velocity (, so saying that a horse's ability to act is equal to force multiplied by velocity makes sense.

In the 1840s, so ~70 years later Joules defines the energy concept. (

So energy rate concept is younger than the watt concept.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

Moment mediu ponderat - Weighted average torque

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Lun Oct 23, 2023 7:26 pm

After 4 years since I introduced the calculation of the average torque of the engine in the car and moto transmission calculators, that I knew is not accurate so I did not include it in the publication about power from january 2020, I've defined the weighted average torque of the engine to have an approximate single characteristic of the engine on all its RPM range that is clearer than maximum power or maximum torque.

The weight of the interval between 2 RPM measure points from the torque graph is equal with the time needed for the engine to accelerate from first point to the second under (any) load, divided with the total time needed to accelerate on all RPM range. This weight is multiplied by the average of the torque values of those 2 points.

I published it for the first time here
and here
and is also available for calculation in the car
and moto transmision calculators where also the calculation of the time (used in this definition) is explained.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

Equivalent constant engine torque

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Dum Iul 21, 2024 6:23 pm

After one month since I defined the weighted average torque, I discovered via manual calculation tries, that there is an even clearer single torque value:

The Equivalent constant engine torque - is the torque with which a car's engine with one gear ratio can accelerate over the same distance in the same time, providing a single value as a characteristic for that engine on all its rpm range.

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I published this here: ... -mai-1390/
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

RE:Equivalent constant engine torque

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Dum Aug 18, 2024 3:49 pm

Thanks to ChickenCoding123 now the equivalent constant engine torque is available (already calculated) in the car and moto transmission calculators.

It can replace the max power of an engine as a technical description because it is more accurate to compare two engines using it that using power.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

Re: Motor termic? Priviti momentul/cuplul! Puterea e ireleva

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Mie Ian 15, 2025 2:37 pm

Question: When is (mechanical) power relevant in physics?
Answer: When measured in Newtons.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

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