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Why Torque And RPM Are Clearer Than Power

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Why Torque And RPM Are Clearer Than Power

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Sâm Mar 02, 2019 2:02 pm

Citeste in romana

FTP (Functional Threshold Power) vs FTC (Functional TORQUE CURVE) when riding a bicycle

First thing is first. In Physics, POWER is not synonymous with FORCE!

FORCE - is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object.

TORQUE - is a rotational force that appears at the fixed end of an arm when a force is applied at the other arm's end that is perpendicular to it.
The value of that torque is equal to the product between the arm's length, expressed in meters (m) and the force's modulus (value), expressed in Newtons (N), the resulting measuring unit being Newtons meter (Nm).

POWER - in rotational systems, is the product of the torque and angular velocity W = Nm * rad/s.
1 RPM = 0.10472 rad/s

Instead of using FTP(Functional Threshold Power) as a reference, a MORE ACCURATE reference would be Functional TORQUE CURVE, expressed in Nm depending on RPM.

That means that we remove, say, the "force distortion"(see the conclusion) inserted by POWER, and we look at the Torque Graph values in Nm in relation with RPM.

Functional TORQUE CURVE can be measured by riding just like in the case of measuring the Functional Threshold Power, BUT the calculation should be done with the force applied by the cyclist in the pedals combined with the pedal arm length and the RPM of the pedals.

FTP (Functional Threshold Power) example, with 170 mm pedal arm length and 668 mm wheel diameter:

1. In order to develop 40 Nm, that means that the force with which the rider is pushing on the pedals is 235.3 N or 23.99 kgf, he should generate:
- 418.88 W at 100 RPM
- 377.99 W at 90 RPM
- 335.10 W at 80 RPM
and so on...
So, in the same gear ratio:

I. For 53-11, the gear ratio is 0.20754716981132 and the force's coefficient is 0.10702495917778.

EACH OF THE ABOVE POWER VALUES generate a traction force of 25.18 N or 2.57 kgf

II. For 39-22, the gear ratio is 0.56410256410256 and the force's coefficient is 0.2877847346525.

EACH OF THE ABOVE POWER VALUES generate a traction force of 72.90 N or 6.90 kgf.

2. In order to develop 418.88 W, the rider should generate:
- 40.00 Nm at 100 RPM
- 44.44 Nm at 90 RPM
- 50.00 Nm at 80 RPM
and so on...
So, in the same gear ratio like:

I. For 53-11, the gear ratio is 0.20754716981132 and the force's coefficient is 0.10702495917778.

EACH OF THE ABOVE TORQUE VALUES generate a DIFFERENT traction force of:
- 40.00 Nm at 100 RPM => force of 235.3 N or 23.99 kgf => traction force of 25.18 N or 2.57 kgf
- 44.44 Nm at 90 RPM => force of 261.41 N or 26.65 kgf => traction force of 27.97 N or 2.85 kgf
- 50.00 Nm at 80 RPM => force of 294.11 N or 29.99 kgf => traction force of 31.47 N or 3.21 kgf

As you can see, the same power has different traction force values for the same gear ratio, depending on RPM.

So, 418.88 W can be converted in 3 or more values of traction force in the same gear ratio if the rotational speed of the pedals changes (and thus, the speed changes).

FTC (Functional TORQUE CURVE) example with 170 mm pedal arm length and 668 mm wheel diameter:

If the rider develops an average of 40 Nm at the pedals, that means that the force with which he is pushing on the pedals is 235.3 N or 23.99 kgf.

The force's coefficient specific for each gear ratio, found for example with marius-ciclistu's Bike Transmission Calculator and Comparator, can be then used to determine the traction force:

I. For 53-11, the gear ratio is 0.20754716981132 and the force's coefficient is 0.10702495917778.

The resulting traction force is 25.18 N or 2.57 kgf

II. For 39-22, the gear ratio is 0.56410256410256 and the force's coefficient is 0.2877847346525.

The resulting traction force is 72.90 N or 6.90 kgf

But the cyclist generates a torque graph that depends on the RPM of the pedals, not a constant torque value:

Example of torque graphs:


So, the above calculation must be done for each rpm change, resulting in a traction curve that is ALWAYS direct proportional with the torque curve. Basically it’s torque multiplied by a constant for each gear ratio.

You can see such calculations in marius-ciclistu's Car Transmission Calculator and Comparator, but in the case of thermal engines, the torque graph is the same if the conditions don’t change, as in the human case the torque graph changes because of fatigue etc.
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Membru din: Sâm Oct 27, 2012 2:37 pm

De ce cuplul si turatia sunt mai clare decat puterea

MesajAutor: marius-ciclistu » Sâm Mar 02, 2019 2:20 pm

Read in english

FTP (Functional Threshold Power) vs FTC (Functional TORQUE CURVE) cand folosesti bicicleta

In primul rand, in Fizica, PUTEREA nu este sinonim cu FORTA!

FORTA - este orice interactiune care, atunci cand nu este contracarata, va schimba starea de miscare a unui obiect.

CUPLUL (MOMENTUL)- - este forta rotationala care apare la capatul fix al unui brat atunci cand asupra celuilalt capat al bratului actioneaza o forta perpendiculara pe acesta.
Valoarea cuplului este egala cu produsul dintre lungimea bratului, exprimata in metri (m) si modulul (valoarea) fortei exprimat(a) in Newtoni (N), unitatea de masura rezultanta fiind Newtoni metru (Nm).

PUTEREA - in sistemele rotationale, este produsul dintre cuplu (moment) si viteza unghiulara. Unitati de masura W = Nm * rad/s.
1 RPM = 0.10472 rad/s

In loc sa folosim FTP(Functional Threshold Power) ca referinta, o referinta mai precisa ar fi Functional TORQUE CURVE, exprimata in Nm care depinde de turatie (RPM).

Asta inseamna ca inlaturam, sa zicem, distorsionarea fortei inserata de putere (vedeti concluzia) si privim graficul de cuplu cu valori in Nm in relatie cu RPM.

Functional TORQUE CURVE poate fi masurata pedaland exact ca in cazul masurarii Functional Threshold Power, DAR calculul ar trebui facut cu forta aplicata in pedale de catre ciclist combinata cu lungimea bratului pedalier si cu turatia pedalelor.

Exemplu FTP (Functional Threshold Power), cu brat pedalier de 170 mm si diametru roata 668 mm:

1. Pentru ca ciclistul sa dezvolte 40Nm, el trebuie sa apese cu 235.3 N sau 23.99 kgf in pedale si sa genereze:
- 418.88 W la 100 RPM
- 377.99 W la 90 RPM
- 335.10 W la 80 RPM
si asa mai departe...
Deci, in acelasi raport de transmitere:

I. Pentru 53-11 dinti, raportul de transmitere este 0.20754716981132 si coeficientul fortei 0.10702495917778.

PENTRU FIECARE DINTRE VALORILE DE MAI SUS ALE PUTERII, se genereaza o forta de tractiune de 25.18 N sau 2.57 kgf.

II. Pentru 39-22 dinti, raportul de transmitere este 0.56410256410256 si coeficientul fortei 0.2877847346525.

PENTRU FIECARE DINTRE VALORILE DE MAI SUS ALE PUTERII, se genereaza o forta de tractiune de 72.90 N sau 6.90 kgf.

2. Pentru a dezvolta 418.88 W, ciclistul trebuie sa genereze:
- 40.00 Nm la 100 RPM
- 44.44 Nm la 90 RPM
- 50.00 Nm la 80 RPM
si asa mai departe...
Deci, in acelasi raport de transmitere:

I. Pentru 53-11 dinti, raportul de transmitere este 0.20754716981132 si coeficientul fortei 0.10702495917778.

- 40.00 Nm la 100 RPM => forta in pedale 235.3 N sau 23.99 kgf => forta de tractiune 25.18 N or 2.57 kgf
- 44.44 Nm la 90 RPM => forta in pedale 261.41 N sau 26.65 kgf => forta de tractiune 27.97 N or 2.85 kgf
- 50.00 Nm la 80 RPM => forta in pedale 294.11 N sau 29.99 kgf => forta de tractiune 31.47 N or 3.21 kgf

Dupa cum puteti vedea, aceeasi putere are diferite forte de tractiune pentru acelasi raport de transmitere, in functie de turatie.

Deci, 418.88 W pot fi convertiti in 3 sau mai multe valori ale fortei de tractiune in acelasi raport de transmitere daca se schimba turatia pedalelor (si implicit se schimba viteza de deplasare).

Exemplu FTC (Functional TORQUE CURVE) cu brat pedalier de 170 mm si diametru roata 668 mm:

Daca ciclistul dezvolta o medie de 40 Nm la pedale, asta inseamna ca forta cu care apasa in pedale este 235.3 N sau 23.99 kgf.

Coeficientul fortei, specific pentru fiecare raport de transmitere, calculat de exemplu cu Calculator si comparator transmisie velo marius-ciclistu, poate fi utilizat pentru determinarea fortei de tractiune:

I. Pentru 53-11 dinti, raportul de transmitere este 0.20754716981132 si coeficientul fortei 0.10702495917778.

Forta de tractiune rezultata este 25.18 N sau 2.57 kgf

II. Pentru 39-22 dinti, raportul de transmitere este 0.56410256410256 si coeficientul fortei 0.2877847346525.

Forta de tractiune rezultata este 72.90 N sau 6.90 kgf

Dar ciclistul genereaza un grafic de cuplu care depinde de turatia din pedale, nu o valoare constanta de cuplu:

Exemple de grafice de cuplu:


Deci, calculul de mai sus trebuie facut pentru fiecare schimbare a turatiei, rezultand o curba a fortei de tractiune care este INTOTDEAUNA direct proportionala cu curba de cuplu. De fapt, este cuplu inmultit cu o constanta pentru fiecare raport de transmitere.

Puteti vedea astfel de calcule in Calculator si comparator transmisie auto marius-ciclistu, dar in cazul motoarelor termice, curba de cuplu este aceeasi daca conditiile de functionare nu se schimba, contrar cazului curbei de cuplu a ciclistului cand aceasta se schimba in functie de oboseala etc.
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